Well #4 Loho

Well #4 Loho

10°7’13.0″N 2°32’27.4″W

[eau]bottle WELL #4 Short facts
Well location 10°7’13.0″N 2°32’27.4″W
Country Ghana
Village Loho
Villagers served by well 1885
Operational since 10 Jun 2019



This was our fourth well and it was operational June 10th 2019. The well was drilled just next to the village nursery home (CPHS). The child birth fatality rate used to be a such high level, due to the lack of clean water, that the nurse had abandoned the village. The clean water from the [eau]bottle well was a welcomed relief for the village nurse to yet again assist with safe childbirths. 

"Water is life, so the provider
of water is a saviour

Bukari Kassim - village Nurse Loho

"Clean water will improve our health and encourage school enrollment and academic performance of our children neighbouring

Gbarema Ibrahim - villager Loho